
The config object enables you to configure everything needed to make the iframe work properly. Required properties are your Public API Key, the desired payment methods, the locale and if needed the provider return URL.

var config = {
    paymentMethods: ["Debit:FakePSP", "CreditCard:FakePSP"],
    publicApiKey: yourPublicApiKey,
    locale: 'en',
    providerReturnUrl: ""

Public API Key

Your Public API Key can be found in your Settings -> Self-Service

Payment Methods

Billwerk+ Transform offers a variety of payment methods that are consistent with those available through SubscriptionJS. You have the flexibility to support multiple payment methods within your service offerings. For a complete list of supported payment methods, please refer to the SubscriptionJS payment methods documentation.

Locale Configuration

The locale property within the config object allows you to set the language for the payment form, ensuring that users have a localized experience. The following locales are currently supported:

  • English: en
  • German: de
  • French: fr
  • Spanish: es
  • Dutch: nl
  • Danish: da
  • Swedish: sv
  • Norwegian: no

Provider Return URL

The providerReturnUrl specifies a page on your website a customer returns to after payment on a payment provider page that rely on redirects (e.g. with checkoutpages). Redirect the customer to this URL to callSubscriptionJS.finalize().