JUMP TObillwerk REST APIQuickstartAuthenticationUpdates to APIResponse CodePaginationAccounting ExportsRetrieves a Accounting Export File's details by IdgetCreates a file download token for the given Accounting Export FilepostDirect download of Accounting Export FilesgetReturns all accounting export requestsgetCreates a new accounting export requestpostGet an accounting export request by IdgetRetrieves the current status of the Accounting ExportgetAccounting Exports SettingsRetrieves a Accounting Export SettingsgetUpdates a Accounting Export SettingsputRetrieves a Product Based Accounting Export SettingsgetUpdates a Product Based Accounting Export SettingspatchComponentsRetrieves a Component details by IdgetUpdates a ComponentputDeletes a ComponentdeleteRetrieves a list of ComponentsgetCreates a new ComponentpostClones a ComponentpostContractsRetrieves all subscriptions in the selected contractgetCreate a new component subscription for this contractpostRetrieves a contract's associated usagesgetPosts new metered usage datapostRetrieves a contract's associated usage by IdgetRemove an unbilled metered usagedeleteRetrieves a single contract by IdgetDeletes a contractdeleteRetrieve a list of contractsgetRetrieves all currently active subscriptions including plan variant, component subscriptions and discount subscriptionsgetRetrieves redeemed prepaid cards information for a specific contractgetRetrieve the expected amount of the next billing / invoicegetMoves a contract to a different customerpostSwitches Automatic Billing for a contract on or offputRetrieve a short-lived Self-Service access tokengetChange the contract's trial endputSet a new list of custom fields in the contract and replace/remove existing onesputChange/set values of specific custom fields while leaving others untouchedpatchContinue payments for a contract after they were blockedpostCapture an external payment/refund for a specific contractpostReturns a list of rated items for a contractgetCreate a Rated Item for this contractpostResets Escalation for a contractpostRetrieves a cancellation preview for a contractgetRetrieves a pause preview for a contractpostSet an end date for this contractpostAnnul a specific contractpostInitiate a refund for a specific contractpostChange payment method for a contractpostExecute interim billing for a specific contractpostPauses a contractpostResume a contractpostRetrieves current discount subscriptions for this contractgetCreates a new discount subscriptionpostPerforms a write-off for a contract.postComponent SubscriptionsRetrieves all subscriptions by contract id, component id or custom fieldgetGet a single component subscriptiongetUpdates a component subscriptionputReplaces the old component subscription with a new one <remarks> Replacing a subscription means that the old subscription is ended and a the new one starts on the date specified </remarks>postEnds a component subscriptionpostMetered UsageRetrieves usages by contract id, component id or custom fieldgetContract changesRetrieve a list of contract changesgetRetrieves a contract change object by IdgetCustomersRetrieves a list of all contracts for the given customer IdgetRetrieve a single customergetUpdates parts of a customerpatchReplaces a customer's dataputDeletes a customerdeleteRetrieve a list of all customersgetCreate a new customer.postSwitches the locked state of a customerpostProductInfoRetrieves product information of products used by a contractgetRetrieves product informationgetCountriesReturns a list of countriesgetCouponsRetrieves a coupon details by IdgetUpdates a couponputDeletes a coupondeleteRetrieves a list of couponsgetCreates a new coupon for a plan grouppostCustomerSelfServiceInvalidate self-service tokendeleteDiscountsRetrieve a single discount by IdgetUpdate a discountputDelete a discountdeleteRetrieve a list of discountsgetCreate a new discountpostDiscount SubscriptionsRetrieves discount subscriptionsgetEnds a discount subscriptionpostGet a discount subscription by IdgetDunningsReturns a list of dunningsgetReturns a dunning by IdgetEmailsReturns a list of email messagesgetResends an email messagepostExternal Subscriptions[FEATURE] Checks if a external subscription is active and returns the subscription and contract Ids.postInvoicesBuilds an invoice for the given contractpostRetrieves a list of all invoices / credit notesgetRetrieves a document's details by IdgetCreates a file download token for the given invoice.postRest endpoint for direct download of invoice PDFsgetRetrieves the invoice's associated metered usageget[FEATURE] Invoice DraftsSends the given invoice draft <remark> Thus converting it to an invoice. Returns the newly created invoice. </remark>postRetrieves a draft by IdgetRetrieves a list of all invoice draftsgetLedgerReturns all ledger entries for a customer.getReturns all ledger entries for a merchant.getReturns all ledger entries for a contract.getOrdersRetrieves a single order by IdgetDelete an order.deleteRetrieve a list of ordersgetCreate a new plan/component subscription or up/downgrade order.postRetrieve payment transactions for an ordergetPreviews a signup order with pricing informationpostProcess and finalize an orderpost[FEATURE] Approve an orderpostPatch customer information of in specific orderpatch[FEATURE] Decline an orderpostRefundsRetrieves a list of payment refunds.getPayment TransactionsGets a single Payment Transaction by its Id.getRetrieves a list of Payment Transactions.getCreates a file download token for the given Payment Transactions File.postPlan GroupsRetrieves a single Plan Group by IdgetDeletes a Plan GroupdeleteUpdates a Plan GroupputRetrieves a list of plan groupsgetCreates a new Plan GrouppostStatisticsReturns statistics for a plan group.getPlansRetrieves a single Plan by IdgetDelete a PlandeleteUpdate a PlanputGet a list of available plans for a specific Plan GroupgetCreate a new PlanpostRetrieve a list of available plansgetClone a PlanpostPlan VariantsRetrieves a single Plan Variant by IdgetUpdates a Plan VariantputDeletes a Plan VariantdeleteRetrieves a list of available Plan Variants. The planId must be provided inside the route for this endpoint.getCreates a new Plan Variant for the given PlanpostRetrieves a list of available Plan VariantsgetPostingsRetrieves a list of Posting Groupsget[FEATURE] Prepaid CardsRedeeming a prepaid cardpostPrice ListsRetrieves a single Price List by IDgetUpdates a Price ListputDelete a Price ListdeleteRetrieves a list of price listsgetCreates a new Price ListpostCreates inherited Price ListpostClones a Price ListpostUpdates a list of Price List ItemsputModifies Price List ItemsputRetrieves a list of pricesgetRetrieves a Product Price List ItemgetReportsReturns a report information by IdgetCreates a reportpostCreates a file download token for the given report.postDownload report filegetSubscriptionsRetrieves combined customer and contract datagetTaxesRetrieves a list of tax definitions.getGets a list of tax policies.getWebhook EventsGet list of web hook eventsgetWebhooksLists all webhooks that you currently have registeredgetCreate a new webhook subscriptionpostDeletes the webhook from the systemdeleteSubscriptionJS API ReferenceSubscriptionJS.PaymentSubscriptionJS.SignupSubscriptionJS.finalizeSubscriptionJS IFrameConfigurationAppearanceSubscriptionJS.PortalSubscriptionJS CallbacksSubscriptionJS TypesExternal PSP IntegrationPaymentTransaction/api/Paymentpost/api/Payment/{paymentTransactionId}getPreauthTransactions/api/Preauthpost/api/Preauth/{preauthTransactionId}/Cancelpost/api/Preauth/{preauthTransactionId}getPspSettings/api/IntegrationInfoget/api/Settingsget/api/SettingsputRefundTransaction/api/Refundpost/api/Refund/{refundTransactionId}getPowered by Retrieve a list of ordersget https://sandbox.billwerk.com/api/v1/orders