Process and finalize an order

Finalizing an initial signup order usually includes an interactive payment processed on the client side by the customer.

When using this API endpoint rather than SubscriptionJS, no customer interaction is involved. For this reason, the endpoint can only be used for payment on account or if no payment method is required.

For interactive payment, please use paySignupInteractive() from SubscriptionJS instead. Committing signup orders without payment methods must be activated in plan variant settings!

When finalizing orders for an existing contract, payment is made asynchronously from the order process using the currently active payment method. In contrast to upgradePaySync() in SubscriptionJS, the order is finished successfully independent of a successful payment. If you don't want this behaviour please use upgradePaySync() from SubscriptionJS.

Committing an order might trigger a billing process. Potential credits from the old plan and receivables from the new plan will be applied to the ledger. An invoice will be created. If a plan up-/downgrade is involved the billing and fee periods will be based upon update time. If an order is scheduled for a future date, the billing process might not be triggered by the commit. This depends on several conditions.

To use possibly existing payment data, just commit an empty payload -> {}!

Billwerk+Pay payment methods:

  • CreditCard:Reepay
  • ApplePay:Reepay
  • Debit:Reepay
  • iDEAL:Reepay

Other allowed payment methods are:

  • None:None
  • Debit:PayOne
  • CreditCard:PayOne
  • OnAccount:PayOne
  • BlackLabel:PayPal
  • PayPal
  • BlackLabel:InvoicePayment
  • InvoicePayment
  • Debit:Stripe
  • CreditCard:Stripe
  • Debit:Unzer
  • CreditCard:Unzer
  • Debit:GoCardless
  • Debit:Adyen
  • CreditCard:Adyen
  • iDEAL:Adyen
  • CreditCard:Worldline
  • CreditCard:PayEx
  • Autogiro:PayExInvoiceService
  • Avtalegiro:PayExInvoiceService
  • Betalingsservice:PayExInvoiceService
  • Betalingsservice:FarPay
  • Debit:Mollie
  • CreditCard:Mollie
  • iDEAL:Mollie
  • AmazonPay
  • BlackLabel:AmazonPay
  • Debit:SepaXml
  • BlackLabel:SwanOnAccount
  • SwanOnAccount
  • CreditCard:ThirdPartyIntegration
  • Debit:ThirdPartyIntegration
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